Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011


Mmmmmm... mungkin bagi orang2 kata "fangirl" ini masih tabu ya. Tapi bagi para pecinta kpop mah udah biasaaaaa.

Masyarakat umu yg belum mengerti tentang fangirl pasti menganggap negatif para fangirl. Mungkin bagi mereka fangirl ini terlalu banyak mengkhayal, mimpi ketinggian, lebay sampai nangis2 kalo ketemu idolanya, boros dan dah ga pny akal sehat karna bakal ngelakuin apa aja demi idolanya.

Menurut w, pendapat itu sih ada benernya juga kalau fangirl yg bener2 dah freak bgt. W sendiri jg ga setuju atau kurang suka sama fangirl yg freak.

W pribadi sih emang seorang fangirl (FG) *haalaaaaahh*. W sih ngerti gimana dunia FG yg sesungguhnya. Menurut w, jd seorang FG ini pny di dunia sendiri.. yahh bs dibilang dunia khayal tp real (bingung? saya jg bingung LOL). Gmn yaaa..pokonya pny dunia sendiri gt deh.. dimana di dunia itu lo bersama2 dg tmn2 yg lain sesama FG ngomongin ttg idolanya. Dan yg aneh tp nyata saat lo ngoborl dg sesama FG , ga bakal ada berentinya! pastiiiiii ada aja yg di bicarin, ketawa2 bareng, galau jg bareng2.hhee

Menurut w sih, kejelekan dr FG ya itu td kebanyakan ngayal , pny tipe co yg ketinggian, terlalu mengharapkan cerita seperti di drama.
Tapii.. ya itulah FG! gimana diri masing2 menyikapinya aja sih.

Eitsss.. tapi dari yang w rasain , FG jg banyak sisi positifnya loh. Dg lo jd FG (khususnya Kpop), lo pasti bakal belajar bahasa Korea dan Inggris. Kenapa Korea? yaaa karena idola kita selalu pake bahasa Korea dan jarang dr Idola kita yg bs bahasa Inggris. Jadiii mau ga mauuu kita harus bljr bhs korea.

Dan itu w rasain bgt! Dulu w ga ngerti tuh hangeul.. apan tuh tulisan kotak2 bulet begitu. Tapiii karena yongdae (atlit nultang korea) pny minihompi & ada fancafe, jd w belajar bahasa Korea. Mulai dr belajar dr internet, nah dr sini w dh mulaiiii sediiiiikiiit tau huruf2 bhs korea dan bs baca dikiiiiiit. Trs akhirnya w les bahasa korea sampai akhirnya w baca bahasa korea dan sedikit berbicara korea dan menulis hangeul.

*bersambung dulu yaaa* 

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011



 As you know, this week is SJ goodbye stage, but it doesn't mean we have to stop supporting them. SJ can still win in Mnet, Music Bank, & Inkigayo eventhough they're not promoting. As long as they stay in the charts. REMEMBER our goal is to WIN GDA! There are alot of other competitor. such as SNSD, SHINee, KARA, etc. So we really need your help! We need to work together so SJ can win! This is their last album before Leeteuk oppa go to the army and SJ vacuum. So we need to make their dreams come true! These are the ways to help them:

1. Buy their 5th Album ver. A and Repackage (A-Cha). Buy the album from places that are counted in the Charts. such as Melon, Bug, Naver, etc. This will be count 60% in GDA.

2. Buy the mp3 in naver or melon. the way to buy the mp3 from naver is in here (remember buy Mr.Simple and A-Cha mp3):

3. Do a 1 minute streaming (For Mr.Simple and A-Cha MP3). How to:

4. Vote in Mnet. How to:

5. This is what Foreign E.L.F can do:
[Part 1]
[Part 2]
Extra: How to make SJ win in all Music Show Charts ( Music Bank, Inkigayo and Mnet):
More on:


tutorial cr: always13elieve13.blogspot

SM Entertainment’s unfair treatment towards Super Junior remains a hot topic

Source :    
 Nate Pann (There are more pictures and proof links in the actual post).
Via Netizen Buzz 

Controversy regarding the unfair treatment Super Junior is receiving from SM Entertainment (especially in comparison to SNSD) is still brewing hot on Korean boards. Recently, a post on Nate Pann received about 205,069 views and made it into the top 10 most viewed/commented post of the week. It received about 2,125 recommendations and 1,227 comments as of October 16th.
The full translation of the post is as follows:

1. Let’s begin with what Lee Soo Man himself thinks of Super Junior (this is taken directly from an interview he had):
“그는 ㅂㅇ 가 일본 진출에 성공한 이후 아시아뿐만 아니라 세계에서 통할 수 있는 최고의 팀을 구상했다. 그러나 자원의 한계 때문에 선택과 집중이 필요했다. 그래서 여러 팀에서 최고를 한 사람씩 뽑아서 메이저리그라고 할 수 있는 단 한 팀을 구성했고, 그것이 ㄷㅂㅅㄱ였다. “여기에 선발되지 않은 팀은 모두 와해될 판이었습니다. 하지만 계약을 했기 때문에 책임져야 했지요. 그래서 그런 팀 중에서 음악도 잘하고 버라이어티쇼도 할 수 있는 팀으로 키운 게 슈퍼주니어였어요. 그들은 살아남기 위해 피눈물나는 노력을 기울였고, 저희도 미안해서 도와주게 됐지요.”
“Lee Soo Man successfully advanced BoA into the Japanese market and began planning the best team that he would be taking not only into Asia, but worldwide. Because of the limits of support, he needed to focus and choose. Out of several different teams, he chose one member from each and brought them together to create a ‘major-league’ team. That team was TVXQ. Lee Soo Man stated, ‘The members that weren’t chosen to be a part of the team were on the verge of disintegration. But because we had already contracted with them, we had to take responsibility. One of the teams was Super Junior, a group we raised to excel in music and variety shows. In order to survive, they had to cry tears of bleed through their efforts. We felt sorry for them, which is why we helped.’”
So I guess that’s proof that they don’t care what happens to us and that they’re only supporting the group out of sympathy. To SM, it doesn’t matter whether Super Junior does well or not. I feel so bad for our oppas, they have nothing but their fans to trust in a company like that.
It’s always the fans that are promoting their albums for them.
2. SM Entertainment changed Super Junior’s solo concert to an SM Entertainment concert.
Europe had been sending many requests for a Super Junior concert. Right when they were preparing one, SM changed it to a full out SM Entertainment concert.
Peru voted Super Junior as the #1 artist they wanted to see there. Not SM Town, but Super Junior. They had petitioned for a Super Junior concert for some time now.
3. Album quality

SNSD’s album is made out of iron – obviously a lot of work was gone into it. But as for us? Ever since our second album, we’ve been getting nothing but pieces of paper.
But it gets better. I heard that SNSD’s iron album is only $19. Our pieces of paper was $20. Since when did paper become so expensive in Korea?
SM never does anything for us. At first, we were just upset and shocked, but now we’re so used to it. Don’t you think this is too much, though?
4. SM is trying to delay Super Junior Show
5. SM is always re-using sets for Super Junior’s music videos and teasers
6. SM always cuts off Super Junior with ‘etc’ when talking about their company in articles.
For example: “Starting with H.O.T., artists under SM like BoA, TVXQ, SNSD, and etc are receiving much popularity overseas.”
Lee Soo Man also stated, “TVXQ is a group formed by taking the best members out of three idol teams. Super Junior is a group with the rest of those members. Because of that, there was a large difference in skill, which is why they had to grit their teeth to work to become the world’s greatest idols. It’s a result I myself didn’t expect.”
7. Heechul’s SM diss on radio:
“내가 가끔그러거든요.그 회사분들이랑 얘기할떄 아니우리뭐 대만에서 38주 1위하고 뭐 미인아도 지금뭐 18주짼지 몇주짼지 1위래요 이런거#%@#^* 왜  우린왜 기사 많이 안나와요. 따른데 처럼 막 플레이하고 우리도 빵빵해야지 우린 아무것도 안하는줄 알잖아요.그렇게 얘기하면은 회사에서 어떻게 하면 되게 고마운 말이에요. 아이.. 우리는 슈퍼주니어가 그정도하는거는 어느정도 되게 당연하다고 생각하기 떄문에 고런걸로 괜히 호들갑 떨필요 없다고 생각한다.  그래가지고 제가 그러거든요.
YO말만잘해 욕쉬~”
Heechul: “I sometimes mention how we’ve been ranking first in Taiwan for 38 weeks and how Bonamana has been topping for 18 weeks and stuff like that when talking to people in our company and ask why they don’t make articles for us. I asked them to put out a few headlines like other companies do so that people just don’t think we’re doing nothing. When I say things like that, however, they’ll say back, ‘It’s because we think that it’s definite that Super Junior achieves those things. I don’t think it’s necessary to make a big deal out of things like that.’ So I’ll always just say back, ‘Yeah, you’re all talk.’”
8. ELF, the more things like this happen, let’s not forget our roots and continue to protect Super Junior!
“It is not the cry of an immature child. Being a fan means being brave enough to protect what is most precious to you.”

I’d like to make it clear to Sones or fans of other SM groups that we are not hating on SNSD or Sones, we are criticizing the unfair treatment SM is giving Super Junior! Sones, please don’t apologize for something that isn’t your fault.

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

From My Analog Camera (Analog SLR)

Ini beberapa foto hasil jepretan w pakai kamera analog SLR. Berkat KMPF -club fotografi kampus unj, w jd bs motret. Ya.. namanya jg analog, berarti w motret ini serba manual. So.. enjoy guys ^^


Coocking Time ^^

Selain suka foto, korea.. w jg suka masak. ^^ Tapi berhubung w pemalas, yaa jd jarang2an w masak. Padahal dari SD w suka bgt masak, sampe w ngolah bahan2 yg ada di kulkas jd makanan baru. W jg ga ngerti apa yg w masak..hehhe tp kata orang yg nyicipin, rasanya lumayan. hehhe

Nahhhh.... masakan Steak2an ini jg termasuk resep hasil imajinasi w aja.. yaa walaupun STD BGT BGT BGT.

Mau tau, resep steak2annya?? Check it out! ^^

Steak Sederhana ala Wulan

Seperti gambar diatas, bahan2nya adalah

1. Daging untuk Steak
2. Untuk bumbu daging : merica, garam, bawang putih (sedikiiiit)
3. Untuk saus : Bawang bombay, bawang putih (sedikiiiiiiit), cabai merah/paprika, saus tomat, saus cabai
4. Kentang
5. Kacang polong, jagung dll (yg menjadi satu dalam kemasan)
6. minyak goreng

Cara membuatnya sangaaat simple !

1. Lumuri daging dengan garam , merica dan bawang putih. Jangan banyak2 ya...Kemudian panggang daging
2. Setelah itu, untuk membuat saus : tumis bawang putih sediiiikiitt + bawang bombay sampai harum.
3. Masukkan saus cabai dan saus tomat. Saus tomatnya lebih banyak ya..
4. Bumbui dengan garam + merica + gula secukupnya.
5. Masukkan cabai merah/ paprika.
6. Jika mau menambahkan bahan2 lainnya seperti sosis, daging cincang jg bs.
7. Aduk2 sampai matang.
8. untuk tambahan kentang bisa digoreng dan sayuran direbus dengan sedikit mentega.

Jadiii dehhh... daging disiram dengan saus dan disantap dengan kentang goreng+sayuran


Memories of Tidung Island

Guys, ini sebagian foto2 w + pemandangan di pulau tidung. Bagus kan? 
So...yang blm pernah ke pulau Tidung atau bingung mau liburan kemana? Tidung ini bisa jd pilihan liburan yang menarik loh :))

Tempat wisata dalam negeri jg ga kalah menarik sama wisata luar negeri ^^

captured by: annidha wulandari

Follow my twitter : @HOTTESTawELF

Tidung Island - The Last Day


asiiiikk,, akirrrnya Pulang jg!

kangen emakk,,, rumah,, n yg pst BANTAL KECI KESAYANGAN W,,,

badan udah geseeeeeeeeng! pegel2 gara Boncengin Org yg mayan berisi,,,
bawaan jg beratt,, weleh2,,,
jam Set6 qt dh siap,,,
trs sarapan jg.....

Alhamdulillah,,, qt GA NAEK PERAHU yg wkt berangkat kemaren!
qt smw pada NGOTOT spaya naek perahu yg mayan gede,,n mang buat angkutan gtu,,,
cm bedanya perahu ini ke muara angke... ehh pa muara karang ya,,,hhee
yg pst lebih jauh d banding Rawa Saban pas berangkat...

Mgkn karna trauma ... sblm plg hampir SEMUA nak2 minum antimo dulu,,,
alhasil sblm masuk kapal,,, qt dh pd ngantuk,,,

Bismillah,, kita pada naek perahu itu,,
1 perahu bs muat smw temen2 w + motor n brg2 laenna,,
Pas ptama Jalan emang Goyaaang bgt!
gelooo br brgkt aja,,ombaknya dh bgtu,,,\
n emang,,, kt penduduk dsana,,, sbnrna pas qt kesana ombak n anginnya lg ga bgs,,

Tp Bismillah aja deh,,, Cz BESOKNYA qt yg nak REG ada UAS<,,, (hufff)..
Selama perjalan d dlm perahu itu hmpr 90% TIDUR SMW!
dah kaya' pepes dh tuuu.. (mgkn krna pengaruh antimo)
walo perjalanan lebih lama,,, tp qt GA merasakan apa yg dirasakan wkt Berangkat!!
AMpuunn dahhh ga lg2,,,

W lumayan nyenyak bgt tdr na,,,w bangun pas dah mw nympe,,, alias wrna aer yg tdna biru beningg,,,biru bulao,, ,,ijo mpe butek...
dan Alhamdulillah.... pas plg w ga mrskan mual sedikit pun!
qt smw sampe dg selamet,,, walopun da 1 2 org tmn w yg muntah,, COWOK lg,,, wkkaka

YA,,,, SEKian cerita perjalanan w,,, 3 hr 2 mlm d pulaun Tidung, pulau seribu,,^^
pokonya bnr2 GA TERLUPAKAN,,,
Mgkn kl ombaknya ga seHEBOH wkt brgkt,,, w n tmn2 yg laen ga da cerita seru,,,,hhee
Ok dehhh,,,,


Tidung Island - 2nd Day


Hari Ke-2 ituu W ngapainn Ya??

Yg pst Mandi,,hhe
Subuh2 w n temen2 w,,, Mandi d Musola di sekitar rmh yg kita inepin
Cz aer d rmh itu ASIN!!! huweeek,,,,
Ya,,,, tglkan lah aer asiin itu,,

W n temen2 satu klpk fotografi w,,, bniat melihat Sunrise ,,,
n tempatnya lumayan jauuuh jg,,,!
setelah kita foto2 n yg pasti kereeen bgt!!!
kita pergi ke dermaga Nikmatin anginn laut,, tp lumayan GEDE...
dipikiran kita,,, "GImanaaa BSK QT PULANG... kl angin beginii?"

setelah du2k,, kita balik ke rumah,,
Ga lama,,, kita semua mau berangkat ke TIDUNG KECIl yg jauuuuuuh bgt dr stu,,
Alhasil qt hrs naek sepeda n nyewa dehh...
B'hbung  w ga tlalu bs speda gde gtu..jd w boncengan ma tmn w,,, hhee
ptma w mncoba tuk boncengin dia,, tp yg ada hampiir NYUNGSRUK ke Tiang Listrik krna tptna mayan sempit....

N akirrna w deh yg d boncengin,,
nahhh pas dh mpe jalan yg mayan lebar,,, w nyoba lg...
walopun masi ebleng goyang sana goyang sini + bonceng tmn w itu...
tp dr stu w yg boncengin tmn w....

Wah,,, pulau tidung kecil dah keliatannnnn..
tp qt hrs nyebrang jembatan tinggi,, trs panjaaaaaaaaaaaangg bgt!
sblm ke tidung kecil,,, qt ke SMK d pulau tidung besar dulu,, bwt promosiin UNJ, khususna jur w   TEKNoLogi Pendidikan

Bis dr SMK,,qt kembali ke Tidung KEcill,,,
n yg pasti disana PANAAAAASS bgt!!
w dh bsiap pke pelembab muka,,, kaos panjang + Almet n sndal jepit..
dg pasraaaahnya w merelakan kaki w BELANG,,,alias GESENg!

Pokonya disana kereeeeeeeeeeeeenn bgt!!!!!!
n angin tetep aja kenceng! malah makin kenceng,,,
zuhur qt pulang,,,, istirahat..
n sore2na... liat Sunset dlaut barat,,
qt pergi pake sepeda lg,,, n w lg2 ganti2an boncengan,,,,hhee
wahhh,,, pokonya View disana bnr2 MUANTAB,,, SUBHANALLAH....!
dan akirrna sampe d rmh lg,,, solat... makannnn...
trus tidur d ruang tengah rame2,,, hhee

Tidung Island - 1st Day

Tgl 3 januari 2010,

w sama temen2 jurusan Reg n NonReg 08,, hunting foto with Mr. Sadek dosen fotografi yang pny cara ketawa yang KHAS!

sehari sblm brgkt tgl 2 jan, w dah maleeeeeeeeesss bgt ngikut ke ketidung,,,, ga tau kenapa,,,
pokonya bener2 MALES! di tambah ada sodara2 w dr sukabumi pada nginep,,,
sampai jam 9 malem , w blm beberes sama se x,,

dan Akirrna w memutuskan IKUT + beres2 deh,,, itu pun beres2 smbl nntn tay. ulg KBS gayo daejun,,,, hehee
mana bwaan banyak bgt!! kudu bawa BERAS , alat MAKAN, bawa 2 KAMERA analog n DSLR + TRIPOD ! beeeuhh gmn ga rempoong tuh!
alhasil w bawa tas gemblok + tentengan 1 (BERAT)

jam set 7 qt hrs dah sampe d kampus,,, cz jam 7 qt mw jalan ke RawaSaban trs naek prahu ke Tidung deh,,,
TAU GA!! sblm w naek kapal,,, w hrs naek apa dulu,,,??!!
w kudu naek perahu kecil menuju tu perahu! sumpahh!! mana perahu na sempet miring2 gt karna ga seimbang!
dosen w jg mpe ikut turun ke aer bwt dorong tu prahu kecil biar cpt! ckckck

bhubung yg ikut ada 50-an , jd perahu yg agak kecil,, kaya' PERAHU NELAYAN tp gedean dikit ada 2 deh...

yaa,,, ptama2 aer nya masi BUTEk,,,, lamaaaaaaaa,,, berubah lagi jadi ijo,,,,dah kaya' Cincau!hhee
n tau ga!! tnyt hr itu lg OMBAK GEDE! qt bnr2 NGELAWAN ARUS! mana kondisi perahu nya ga bgt! GA ADA PELAMPUNG Pula..!
dah gtu,,, perahu yg w naekin HAMPIrrr AJA TEBALIk!!!!!
bayangin perjalanan d laut selama 3jam-an... jlnna oglek2 gt!
d prahu pd dzikir aja tuuhh,,,

yg PAling PARAH,,, pas sampe d laut warna biru tuaaaaa bgt,, yg berarta dh bnr2 dalem!
Alhamdulillah bgt,,, qt selamet,,,

n yg pst dsana bnyk bgt yg MABOK,,,hheheh,,
*w ga,,, cm puyeeeng abiiss,,!

beda sama perahu sebelah,,,walopun mereka jalanna ga mulus jg,,
tp ga separah perahu w,,, malah,, kt dosen w yg d perahu sebelah itu,, saking tinggi nya ombak,,, perahuu w dh kaya' ga keliatan!
org2 pd serem liat perahu w,,, apalg qt2 yg d dlm ya,,, huff,,,

tp smw itu terobati ,,pas liat aer laut dh warna biru mudaaaaa bgt!

nyampe2.. dosen w lgs sujud sukur,,karna selamet sampe tujuan,,,
n anak2 pd mabok semua,,,
ptnyaan ptama dr qt,,, "Gmn nnti PuLANg?"

My Idols

Siapa aja idola w? Mmm.. intinya si "CUMA" Lee Yongdae, Super Junior dan 2PM. Tapi kalo ditanya embel2nya, beuuuuhh banyaaaaaakkk bangeeet. Sini suka sana juga suka! ahhaha.

Nah.. bagi kalian yg juga suka sama "orang2" di bawah ini, mari kita berteman dan mengobrol. ^_^

Lee Yongdae --------------->

Lee YongDae ini adalah atlit bulu tangkis Korea paling kece dan paling cakeeep! hhaa.. Pertama w suka YD waktu TUC 2008 kalo ga slh, wkt itu YD lg maen MD sama om JJS lawan KinDra dari Indonesia..

—————->  Super Junior

Yak! w tergila – gila banget sama SuJu, karena waktu itu temen2 w pada ngobrolin SuJu SuJu dan ngerti, penasaran jadi nanya2 tentang SuJu. sampai akhirnya kya’ beginilah.. kalau kata org Sunda “meuni gegeloeun”.hhe

——> KyuHyun_SuJu

Omooooo… Kyu adalah bias w! Love at first sight laahh w sama Kyu! Suaranya keceee… Muka imuttt… Jail.. Bener2 Evil magnae! and Nomu nomu nomu nomu Choa! ^_^

——> HeeChul_SuJu

yaaaak!!! sbnrnya w dh mulai mengagumi oppa cantik ini dh lama, tp setelah dia masuk wamil baruuu deh w nyadaar kalo dia emang bias w jg! aaa.. telaatt yaaa.. :'( walau w akuin dia kaya' cewe alias cantiiiik, tp w sukaaa bgt sama dia dan juga suaranya ^^

                2PM ---------------------->
2PM adalah BB PERTAMA yg w suka! Karena cekokan dari tmn2 w, tercemplunglaaah w ke dunia per-Kpopan.. Perform mereka kereeen bgt!!! Lagunya juga enak2.. and easy listening! mantab lahhhh…

                                  ChanSung_2PM -------->

Ini dia bias w di 2PM! lg2 w suka yg magnae2..hhee… sama ky’ kyu.. love at first sight jg nihh.. hhee.. nya kereeen!

                                    WooYoung_2PM --------->

Sblmnya, w ga suka sama dia.. tapi gara2 di album 2:oo PM w sukaaa hair style nya! lucu..keren! suaranya juga enaak.. I Love His Smile :)


Nah,, kalau yg bagian ini bagian tambahan aja *jiaaaaahh*


                                  Lee Seunggi ———>

  Seunggi katanya si mirip ky’ YD.. mmm..menurut w ga ahhh…. tapi gara2 nntn drama brilliant legacy (bnr g tulnya?) w jadi suka sama dia! Jago acting! nyanyi,, aa. I love his smile ,too :)

  —–> Minho_SHINee

hhee..ini adalah tambahannya… semenjak minho potong rambut, w jadi suka.. imuuuuttt.. lucuuuu.. brondong lbh muda 1 tahun.. *gpp laah*.. apa lg liat Hello baby, tambahhh sukaa… hhee

Changmin_TVXQ ----------->
Dia adalah kedemenan terbaru w nihh.. w baru kenal TVXQ skrg2..hhee.. dan pertama liat perform mereka di Mubank, w lgs suka! ehh.. liat changmin, jadi kecantol jg deh,,hhee.. tp sayaaang yaaa.. w kenal TVXQ

Mmmmm.. sebenernyaa..  banyak yg w suka… 2AM, Miss A, CN BLUE dll !… tapi yg intinya yaa yg td w sebutin….

I LOVE KPOP lahhhh!

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Annyeonghaseyo ^_^

Annyeonghaseyo .... ^^

Diliat dari kata awalnya, kalian pasti tau kalau w pecinta Korea! hohohoho. Mmmmm.. kalian bs panggil w "awe" (maksudnya singkatan dari Annidha Wulandari) atau panggil Wulan aja. ^_^. Seperti yg td w bilang, w sukaaaaaaaaaaaa bangeeet Korea. Mulai dari drama, fashion dan musik. oiya! w itu pecinta LEE YONGDAE (Atlit Bulu tangkis Korea) dan berarti w adalah seorang "StarYongDaes", pecinta SUPER JUNIOR dan berarti w itu seorang 'ELF", pecinta 2PM jugaa dan berarti w juga seorang "Hottest". W adalah seorang pemimpi dan InsyaAllah dengan kerja keras dan berdoa mimpi w akan terwujud! (aminnn) ^_^
Senang berkenalan dengan kaliaannnnnnnn ^^

안녕하세요? 난 울란 입니다. 난 인도네시아 사람입니다.  난 대한민국을 진짜 좋아해. 난 이용대 손수를 좋아해.  난 슈퍼주니어를 좋아해. 닌 2PM을 젛아해요.
만나서 반갑습니다